Welcome to the Happiness Blog
A place where we are making a small dent in the universe — one weekly happiness post at a time.
Early Risers: Success Means Waking Up At 4 AM
For some, early mornings are dreadful and begrudging. But for many CEOs, waking up at 4 AM sets the tone for a successful day. It allows you to score some wins early building momentum through the day.
The Happiest People on Earth Share a Few Things in Common
Have you ever met someone who was always smiling and looking on the bright side of things? This person probably seemed to have it all figured out, which may you want to ask, “What’s your secret?”
The Path to Happiness is Different for Everyone
You may not have considered entrepreneurship before, but this week, we are considering how impactful it can be on the path to happiness.
Achieving Goals Is Key to Happiness, But What About the Process?
This week, we are exploring whether achieving your goals is the only key to happiness. Hint: the struggle on the path to achieving goals is lasting happiness.
Richard Branson's Tips for Happiness in 2018
Richard Branson's Tips for Happiness in 2018 include “Stop and breathe. Be healthy. Be around your friends and family. Be there for someone, and let someone be there for you. Be bold. Just be for a minute.”
Is It Wise to Place Happiness Outside Self?
In her thought-provoking post, Matana Williams shares her experiences with disappointment by placing happiness outside her control -- e.g., happiness outside self.
Does The Blind Pursuit of Happiness Lead to Suffering?
This week we are featuring a satirical video about how the pursuit of happiness can lead to suffering. Some may call it the hedonic treadmill.
You Won the Lottery!
When you are having a rough day, just remember that you won the lottery. Not only that, you enjoy things that kings and emperors couldn't have dreamed of just a century or two ago.
Is Happiness a Duty?
Because happiness is a choice, I believe we all have a duty to be happy as much as possible. Choose wisely as it may affect not only the rest of your file but also those around you.